Thanksgiving was almost a week ago and we've finally finished the leftovers from the fridge. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie...a heavenly array of food and sweets.
This year was the second time we've cooked the meal from start to finish. We usually go to Adam's home in Texas where his Mom makes the best Thanksgiving dinner on earth. We stayed home this year though, which made us nervous because the first time I made the meal, it ended in disaster.
The pumpkin pie flipped upside down in the hot oven and smoked out the whole house. Alarms were blaring, the kids were running around screaming...and we spent the rest of the day scraping burnt stinky junk off from the oven floor.
This time around, things went a little better. There were no pumpkin pie fiascos and the food came out half way decent. Everyone was so hungry by the time we ate - that anything would have tasted good though to tell the truth.
It was nice to spend the time together. Throughout the day, I tried to get everyone in for a family picture but had no luck. It's next to impossible to do in this house, but there's always next year I guess.
All in all, it was a great time. We hope you and your family had a Wonderful Thanksgiving, filled with leftovers of turkey, pumpkin pie...and stretchy pants of happiness.