It surprised me then - when I became equally as nervous today as our son's preschool teacher called us in for his Parent/Teacher conference. "What will she say about him? Will she tell us that he talks too much? Of course she's going to tell us that he talks too much..."
As his teacher began, she showed us Preston's work from the beginning of the year, compared to his recent work. Everything looked good so far. I felt my nervousness fade just a little, until it became time to discuss his behavior.
She began with, "Preston is a hard worker. He does a good job staying on focus and getting his projects done. He really sticks to it."
I don't want to say that my jaw almost hit the floor but I truly had to concentrate on not making any facial expressions or reactions of shock and disbelief. (PRESTON?! OUR Preston?!) This is the kid who couldn't concentrate long enough to spit his toothpaste out while brushing his teeth.
Being overwhelmed with the desire to get out of the conference before they figured out the "real" Preston, we smiled and thankfully made our exit.
On the way home, Preston sat in his car seat behind me as I drove. I went on and on about how proud we were of him. He kept laughing saying, "Mommy, I'm a Mummy!...Mommy, LOOK I'm a MUMMY!" I focused on the road saying, "Okay buddy, you're a Mummy." He became frustrated and said, "No, LOOK at me MOMMY! I'm a MUMMY!"
Tilting my rear-view mirror to see him, I almost ran off the road. He found the gum from my pocketbook, chewed it, then wrapped it around his head about a hundred times. His face, hair, neck...all wrapped in gum. "PRESTON!"
"But MOMMY, I'm a MUMMY! Get it?!"
Needless to say, I have scrubbed his head and neck, but ended up having to cut his hair. There's still some gum stuck to him that I'll have to explain to his teacher tomorrow.
She was right though, he really does do a good job at staying on focus and getting his projects done. He really...and truly...sticks to it.