The Family Curse that states that for whatever reason, it's not humanly possible to sleep past 6:00 in the morning. I hate this curse.
We used to wonder why my Dad would wake up at the crack of dawn, every. single. day. of. the. week.
It didn't matter if he had to go to work or was on vacation. You could always find him wide awake with his cup of coffee at o' dark thirty every morning, no matter what the situation.
My Grandmother was the same way. We used to have to put pillows over our heads when we went to visit as she clanged pots and pans around for breakfast...even though it was still dark outside.
It never made sense to me. Why would anyone want to wake up that early? What could possibly be that important?
Then something happened. I don't know what it was, but for some horrible reason, I'm finding it harder and harder to sleep past 6:00. It's awful. I, who used to be able to roll out of bed at ten in the morning when given the chance, am going stir crazy by 6:30.
I don't know how to break this curse. I've tried to stay up late on a weekend to be able to catch some extra z's on a Saturday morning. It only makes me tired when I wake up early regardless.
It's no use. I'm cursed to wake up at an obnoxious hour for the rest of my life. My husband and kids could sleep the morning away, but I have no such luck.
So, if you happen to be up this weekend at 6:00 for absolutely no apparent reason at all...give me a call. While the rest of the world snoozes away, we can catch up and chat for awhile. Maybe make some breakfast, have some tea.
It would be nice to know that somebody else has the same family curse too.
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