I think it's because as I was growing up, I would beg my Dad to let me try a sip of his. I don't imagine he's ever gone a day of his life without it. Dad's coffee though, was the kind that would put hair on your chest. He would brew the darkest of pots, then drink it straight. It could probably stand by itself without the cup if you'd let it.
When he finally gave in and let me taste it, my Mom scolded him, but it didn't matter. She would never have to worry about "stunting my growth" or whatever ideas she had about coffee in the 80's. When the pitch black liquid of heat and death ran down my throat, I was done. Never again would I want to try it.
Now that I'm grown, the irony is that probably one of my favorite smells on Earth, is the smell of coffee. Whether it reminds me of my Dad or my childhood, I don't know...but needless to say...I still don't drink it.
You can imagine my dilemma then when one of my friends named Laura, asked if I would like to join her at a Starbucks. Explaining how I didn't like coffee, she assured me that there were plenty of other things to try. Little did I know that I was about to get a little taste of Heaven...
Standing at the counter, I saw a litany of words that were nothing short of a foreign language. Did I want a double grande mocha latte vente caramel frappachino espresso?
My palms started to sweat as my eyes raced across the board trying to decipher what to order. Laura just smiled and said, "You need to try the white hot chocolate".
"The what?"
"Trust me. It's awesome."
I've never heard of white hot chocolate before but at least it gave me some guidance. Laura ordered before it was my turn and when the kind woman in her crisp apron looked at me, I just pointed over to Laura and smiled, "I'll have what she said please".
It was like drinking a candy bar that was poured into a cup of rainbows. I swear I got some sort of sugar rush that made me want to run around the place and hug everyone. I don't know why I was so happy, I just was.
If this was their hot chocolate, I probably didn't even want to start on their coffee.
The worst part was that I told the kids about it and they all wanted to try it. After school it was cold and dreary so I thought it would be a fun, toasty treat.
Pulling through the drive thru this time, (because that's how I roll) I ordered four white hot chocolates, one for each of the kids. When I drove around to pay, it was hard to hide my surprise when the person said it would be like seven thousand, five hundred dollars for the four drinks. Handing my card to her, I simultaneously passed the drinks back to the kids. They all excitedly took a sip to try it, then immediately had this crazed googly eyed look that let me know they were all about to start bouncing off the walls. All four of them downed their drinks so fast, it was next to unnatural. By the time we got home, they were slap happy and wild.
I have friends who drink Starbucks every single day. I have friends who get it for their kids every day too. In a way, I think that's cool. It's a nice treat and it's warm and yummy.
As for now though, with four kids it's probably not the best idea to get started on something we're not used to. It seems like a lot of money and even more levels of craziness than we already have.
Someday though, I'm going to go back to that Starbucks and order the biggest white hot chocolate they make. I'll have to figure out what the word for "large" is first, but I'll worry about that later. When I do, I'll be happy to sit and drink the cup of happiness from my hands, the one that's oh so far away from the kind that my Dad drinks.
Until we meet again Starbucks...until we meet again.
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