This usually goes pretty well, in an exorcism kind of way. We've never actually had a full-on head spin, projectile vomiting episode to date, but we've come pretty close.
You can imagine my delight then, when the dentist presented the wonderful news that she needed a filling. What could be better?
My husband and I went back and forth on how to handle this. The dentist felt that Lauren Elizabeth was so (ahem) wonderful to have as a patient, he needed to knock her flat out to be able to work on her. I mean like, going to the hospital kind of knocked out.
This would cost thousands of dollars by the time we paid for the operating room, anesthesiologist, recovery room, not to mention, the actual dental bill.
Round and round we went on what to do. I felt the hospital was the best route, since I'd been to the dark side of her toothy nightmares, and knew how awful they were. I didn't want this to traumatize her even more. Adam continued to dispute my fears, saying that if he took her, everything would be fine.
Regardless of knowing he was crazy, I ultimately decided to cry Uncle. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try and besides, he could finally see what that tiny glimpse of the depths of hell actually felt like.
Preparing himself for the day, he loaded the car with one very nervous six year old as they went on their way.
Within no time, I got this...
A strange dichotomy of happiness and hurt filled my heart. She was doing better with him than she'd EVER done with me. How could this be?
When her appointment was over, Adam brought her by my work so I could give her hugs and kisses.
She was as proud as a peacock. Throwing her arms around my neck she smiled, "I did it, Mommy!"
"You did! You are so Great, Baby! Did you have fun with Daddy?"
"Yes." She nodded, "He held my hand so everything was okay."
And there it was.
She felt safe with him, so much so, that the exorcism ceased to exist.
I could either let this sting my pride or embrace it, loving the fact that she adores him. To know that he keeps her safe and protected in the scariest of places, warmed my soul.
I can try all I want to calm her from the storm and usually, it works well enough. Sometimes though, I need to remember, a girl just needs her dad. Even if it's only to hold her hand so everything will be okay, she needs him with all her heart...and fillings.
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