We have gone round and round this year on whether to get a real Christmas tree. We've had an artificial tree for years in the front window of our house. Over the past few years though, we've gotten a real tree for our living room.
Adam and I both grew up with having an artificial tree so I guess we never thought much about it. The first year that we actually got a real one though...we were hooked. There was something about the feel of it...the smell. When we walked into our home, that amazing scent would hit us, and the stress of the day would disappear.
Knowing that Christmas is only a week away, I knew it was time to make a decision. I loaded the kids in the car to see what we could find to surprise Adam. Ohhhhh, I don't know if "surprise" is the right word after what we found.
Come back tomorrow and I'll post pictures of what happened.