That struck me as odd while the older brother smacked the younger with a small yellow dump truck, but fast forward a few years, and I get it.
It was impossible to see at first. Holding those newborn little bundles of sweetness wouldn't allow me to fathom the thought of them becoming men...but now? Now, it's charging straight towards me like a freight train.
What kind of men do I pray they'll become? What characteristics do I hope to instill in this wild thing called, parenting? The answers are simple and few, but far more valuable than gold.
To see how they interact and treat each other and their friends, is an indicator of how they'll be when they are grown. To have hearts of loyalty, not turning their backs on friends no matter what, is a sign not only at this young age, but in life. It teaches them how to treat others, as well as to find those few true friends, unwavering and who will last a lifetime.
To protect the ones you love, to no end. Even in the midst of a WWF knock down drag out fight, making sure the other is okay, when things get a little too rough.
To gather around their little sister, protecting her as she sits in fear before getting her ears pierced, comforting her and trying to get her to laugh through her tears.
To love in life. With their whole heart...everything from family to snow days. Especially snow days. To live life with the love of adventure and compassion. To see things bigger than themselves and be aware of their place in this world and how love can affect that.
To have a faith, undeterred. To know they are given the love, loyalty and protection of a Father above, and to live each day for Him, being thankful for the life He's provided.
It's still hard to imagine our boys as men, especially when I wonder how Adam and I will ever teach them how to iron a shirt, tie a tie or for the love of Moses, drive a car. It'll all come in time though.
For now, everyday brings new opportunities to create these future men, husbands and fathers with loyalty, protection, love and faith, I hope one day, they will in turn, provide.