Today is our daughter's 8th birthday. It's a special day with balloons and candles, sure. For us though, it marks the second year in a row our minds have been blown.
Allow me to explain.
Last year she began praying fervently for a cat for her birthday. Day and night, she trusted God would provide the bundle of love, no matter how many times we tried to explain to her that under no circumstances, would she be getting one. "Sometimes you can pray, but the answer is 'no', Baby. God doesn't work like that. You can't always get what you want."
She would have nothing to do with it. "I know He hears me and He'll answer." She resolved.
I began to bargain with my husband, Adam. I didn't want her heart to break on her birthday, but he stayed firm.
No cat.
The night before her birthday, she prayed one last time as my stomach tightened, listening to her earnest request. I prayed she'd be alright with the realization in being let down the next morning.
When it came, we were blasted from our sleep by blood curdling screams.
Adam and I shot from our beds to find our daughter standing at the door, screaming through the window.
Pouncing through the door to pick up her gift, Adam looked at me with 'that' look, thinking I'd actually gone and done it.
"I have NO idea how this is happening." I responded, and I didn't.
Somehow, sitting on our back porch, was this...
The cat's name ended up being, Rose. Turned out after several texts and phone calls, it was our neighbor's - so following a birthday morning with her "Present from God" as our daughter called it, Rose was safely returned.
It was a birthday to remember and we shook our heads wondering how it happened, until this year came along.
It was my own fault. Growing up in Ohio, I've raised the kids with memories of how much fun my brother, friends and I had every winter. Playing in the snow, ice skating on our neighbor's pond...the freezing cold days filled with fun and laughter.
"I'm going to pray for snow on my birthday."
(Here we go again.)
"This is North Carolina, Sweetie. We next to never get snow and besides that, your birthday's in March. It'll be too late in the year and much too warm for any chance of snow. Remember last year? We talked about how God doesn't work like that?"
Shaking her head, she refuted, "But He DOES listen."
A neighbor's lost cat was one thing, but snow in March in North Carolina on literally - her birthday, not possible.
For months she's prayed, until this morning, her birthday morning, when we woke up to screams yet again.
I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own two eyes...
"Thank You, God! Thank You!" She screamed, running everywhere.
It wasn't a blizzard, but it was snow. Out of 365 days, the chances of this one specific day didn't seem possible, but there it was.
God is Amazing and if nothing else, it reminds me to pray in all things, with the faith of a child. You wouldn't believe what He can do.
Happy 8th Birthday, Baby Girl. God has blessed us with you and will Love You Always.