It's always hard to make the decision to shift careers or make a move from what you've known for so long. In this case, I left the medical world of speech therapy with patients who've had strokes or trauma, to work in the schools, making it feel more like a whole different world rather than a job change.
In the time I've gotten to know the staff and students, I can honestly say, it's been the best decision I ever could've made. Everyday brings something new and the kids who range from kindergarten through fifth graders, bring laughter and fun to each and every hour.
Patient's charts and medical records have turned into high fives with nine year olds getting a sound they've struggled with for years. Kids with fluency, hearing loss and frustration have become the center of my thoughts as I drive home, wondering how I can work things through even more the next day.
I look forward to the months ahead and hope to change and develop their hearts and minds as much as they already have mine.
Now I know, as difficult as it can be to take that jump or leap in faith to make a change in your life, sometimes it can be a really good thing.
In this case, I'm thankful the opportunity came my way, and I wasn't afraid to leap, no matter how hard it was to try to learn a whole new way to fly.