I was pulled back to a feeling I had when I was in school. I ran track and was asked to fill in for the two mile run. I had never run two miles in a meet but I figured I'd give it a try. When the gun shot and we ran from our starter line I wondered why I was the only one who was REALLY running. Why weren't the other girls running like I was? I began to lap the other girls thinking that there must be something wrong while secretly hoping I was a natural born champion. Around the sixth lap I figured out the problem. Someone had put a big "wall" on the track and I ran straight into it. I couldn't breath, couldn't feel my legs and I stopped dead cold where I stood. My Dad ran to the edge of the track where I stood and said, "Don't quit. You can walk, you can crawl for all I care but don't QUIT." He offered to walk beside me if I needed him but I somehow found a way to walk/jog for the remaining two laps to finish the race.
It was a good lesson learned that no matter what, don't ever give up. As much as I wanted to run up to help my child, just like my Dad before me, I knew I had to let him stay on the stage and keep trying. Will our son be a concert pianist someday? Prooooobably not. It was so good to see his nature though and know that he has the heart to stick with it and keep going until the end.