I had never heard of that expression before, but Gretta was right. As long and monotonous as the days feel right now, with the backpacks, lunch boxes, homework, sports, meetings, work and so on and so forth...the years sure do seem to be flying by at the same time.
One of my favorite people ever, is 95 years old. She saw what kind of day I was having early one morning after all of the hustle and bustle with dropping the kids off for school. Taking my hand with her New York accent she smiled, "I know how busy you feel right now. If I could go back though - I'd give anything to have a house full of children with laughter and love - and just be able to make one batch of cookies in the midst of the chaos....as crazy as that seems to you right now, that would be the best day of my entire life."
That hit me.
The kids didn't have school today due to snow and ice, which in North Carolina is a rarity. Instead of feeling bothered by the disruption of the small amount of routine that we have, I decided to love every minute of it. I didn't mind the day being long and drawn out, because I knew that all too soon, these years will be a memory.