We never thought that day would come, especially after having all boys.
Normal people want to put their new baby girl in her first cute dress. Me? I wanted to drop her in a vat of sparkly glitter and paint her toenails pink.
Images of ballerina shoes, figure skates and fairy wings filled my heart and I couldn't wait to take her home.
It's been five years now and guess what sports and activities she's been in? Yep. T-ball and soccer mixed in with more football and basketball practices with her big brothers than you could shake a stick at.
Dance class? no. Cheerleading? yeah, no. The funniest part is that she wouldn't let you paint her finger or toenails for all the candy in the world.
The one thing she's BEGGED us to do though, is gymnastics. For whatever reason, this child would rather cartwheel herself down the hallway, than walk on her own two feet. She constantly flips around the house and off the couch while desperately pleading with us to let her "learn how to do more".
Tonight is the night. With complete giddiness, I've called a local gym and she has her very first class. I don't know which one of us is more excited but more than anything...I hope that she loves it.
We'll let you know how it goes! :)
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