We have this thing in our house. As soon as we get home on Halloween night, the kids dump all of their goodies on the kitchen counter. Adam and I go through it, then let the kids go to town. It's their one free night to eat whatever they want. Is this the healthiest thing to do...of course not. Does it get the kids to the point where they don't want to chow down on the rest of the pile while there's any left? Yes...yes it does.
This is where our dentist comes in. Odd, I know. Our dentist happens to be the neatest person. He started this great thing a few years ago by putting a really cool project together. Kids bring their candy to his office, so he can send it to our troops in the Middle East.
Not only does he send the candy to our men and women who defend our freedom, he then rewards the kids for bringing their candy. They get to play in a bouncy castle, sit in a fire truck, get pizza, ice cream, have their faces painted...it goes on and on. By the time we left the event, the kids were full of food and completely wiped out from laughing and playing.
It's nice to see when people think outside the box to make a situation a win/win. Our dentist takes unnecessary sugar and sweets away from the teeth of his patients, while giving a special treat to our troops who deserve that plus more than we could imagine.
It's fun to picture the reactions of the soldiers when they open packages of chocolate, candy and bubble gum. I wonder if they'll know that it was collected by little ones running from door to door on a cool autumn night. We will be thinking of our troops and praying for their safety. It's because of them that our children are blessed to be able to play, Trick-or-Treat and just be kids, surrounded by freedom and happiness.