Sometimes it's hard to even find a minute to reflect because things seem to be going at you at a thousand miles per macaroni and cheese. Let me go back...
Last week, Amy, my best friend and roommate from graduate school brought her kids to visit. Her husband, Dominic had a cool trip to climb Mt. Rainier so Amy and her cute three year old little girl Ava and sweet baby boy Greyson, hopped on a plane.
I say that mind you, with tongue in cheek because if you've ever traveled by yourself with two small children, there is no simple "hopping" onto anything.
Amy came through the airport just as cute as she could be with her two kids, luggage, backpack, diaper bag, stuffed animals, blankets, get the idea.
If I took you back to our days in school, sure we were busy. Sure we seemed to have a ton of things to do and we stressed about our classes, assignments, etc. Graduate school was hard. It was a lot of work and we pushed through. We always had the future to look forward to though. We had dreams of what would come.
As we loaded the car between the two of us, we had to giggle at how things have changed. Gone were the days of going out on Friday nights and sleeping in Saturday mornings. The days of studying in our pajamas were behind us. Life was chaotic now. Oh we were still in our pajamas, but it wasn't because of studying anymore.
Amy and her two little ones were settled in and our week was a blast. My husband Adam went off to work in the mornings and Amy and I had fun with the six kids between the two of us throughout the days.
One afternoon during lunch, a mandarin orange and some macaroni and cheese flew by our heads and it took all that we had not to fall over laughing. Amy looked at me with every ounce of sincerity and said, "I used to wear cute matching bras and underwear."
She was right. That one simple sentence summed up our lives as we knew it. Kids, flying food, days of chaos mixed in with the inability of having one thirty minute period of time for peace and quiet, have all but replaced the days of cute and matching bras and underwear.
Looking back on it all though, wondering if this is how two young girls thought it would all turn out...I'd hope to answer yes. Most definitely, yes.
After all, life is hard. It's a lot of work and we push
through. We always have the future to look forward to though and we have dreams of what will come.
Miss and Love You Aim, Ava and Greyson! Can't wait to see you again SOON! XOXO
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